
Table of Contents

pyrenamer.png Welcome to the homepage for pyRenamer! A tool to rename many files simultaneously.

This page is currently under construction. If you would like to learn more about pyRenamer please checkout on the Github page for the moment:

1. Screenshot


2. Features

pyRenamer lets you change the names of many files at once along with:

  • Change or keep file extensions when renaming (in options pane)
  • Rename files based on patterns in the original file name (e.g. files named 1-a.txt could be changed to a-1.txt using a pattern {#}-{X}.txt)
  • Insert characters into a file name
  • Delete characters in a file name
  • Replace matching characters in a file name
  • Replace accented characters with non-accented characters
  • Change the capitalization of file names
  • Change spaces, dots, and dashes in file names
  • Remove duplicated symbols in file names
  • Manually rename single files
  • Show a preview of the file name changes before renaming the files

Date: 2022-03-31 Thu 00:00

Created: 2022-03-31 Thu 21:30
