Graphing Configuration
Table of Contents
Gnuplot mode can be used for editing files that are used to define a plot style and layout and allow for execution of the code in an Emacs buffer.
(use-package gnuplot :straight t :init (whicher "gnuplot") :defer t)
PlantUML is a language that can interpret code to create flowcharts and UML diagrams. The syntax is similar to programming languages thereby making it fast and easy to create accurate, auto-generated charts that don't require a lot of dragging boxes around as you might with a graphical tool such as LibreOffice Draw.
Install PlantUML Mode
PlantUML mode is not installed by default, so we need use-package
to download and install it.
(use-package plantuml-mode :straight t :defer t :after org)
Set Location of PlantUML Binary
When Emacs is run as a portable app on a USB drive, Emacs needs to know the location of the PlantUML executable which I place in the .emacs.d directory.
(org-plantuml-jar-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/plantuml/plantuml.jar"))
(provide 'freemacs-graphing) ;;; freemacs-graphing.el ends here