Academic Phrases Configuration

Table of Contents

Academic Phrases

Academic phrases is a package that provides a number of easy-to-use templates for writing academic text if you happen to have writer's block. Calling the function M-x academic-phrases provides a searchable list of these templates for your use.

(use-package academic-phrases
  :straight t
  :defer t)


Citar is a citation tool that integrates well with Vertico, Embark, and Marginalia.

(use-package citar
  :straight (citar :host github
                   :repo "emacs-citar/citar"
                   :branch "main")
  :defer t
  :after org oc
  (citar-bibliography org-cite-global-bibliography)
  (citar-library-paths '("~/bib/files"))
  (with-eval-after-load "all-the-icons"
    (setq citar-symbols
          `((file ,(all-the-icons-faicon "file-o" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust -0.1) . " ")
            (note ,(all-the-icons-material "speaker_notes" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust -0.3) . " ")
            (link ,(all-the-icons-octicon "link" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01) . " ")))
    (setq citar-symbol-separator "  "))
  (setq citar-file-parser-functions

If the All the Icons package is installed, use it to add icons to Citar.

(with-eval-after-load "all-the-icons"
  (setq citar-symbols
        `((file ,(all-the-icons-faicon "file-o" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust -0.1) . " ")
          (note ,(all-the-icons-material "speaker_notes" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust -0.3) . " ")
          (link ,(all-the-icons-octicon "link" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01) . " ")))
  (setq citar-symbol-separator "  "))

Tell Org Cite to use Citar.

(org-cite-insert-processor 'citar)
(org-cite-follow-processor 'citar)
(org-cite-activate-processor 'citar)

Add Citar history to savehist-additional-variables so that Citar usage history can be saved across sessions.

(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'citar-history)

Tell Citar where to find file associated with citation references.

(citar-library-paths '("~/bib/files"))

Tell Citar how to find associated files produced by Zotero (citar-file-parser-default) or Mendeley and Calibre (citar-file-parser-triplet).

(setq citar-file-parser-functions

Citar Embark

(use-package citar-embark
  :after citart embark
  :no-require t
  :config (citar-embark-mode))

Org Cite

Org Cite is a feature to add citation capabilities to Org Mode. The following lines will tell Org Mode to use Citar as the processor for org-cite and will tell Org Mode where to find the default bibliography file.

(use-package oc
  :defer t
  (org-cite-global-bibliography '("~/bib/bib.bib"))
  (org-cite-insert-processor 'citar)
  (org-cite-follow-processor 'citar)
  (org-cite-activate-processor 'citar))


(provide 'freemacs-academic-writing)

;;; freemacs-academic-writing.el ends here

Date: Time-stamp: <2022-07-21 Thu 18:25>

Author: Thomas Freeman

Created: 2022-07-21 Thu 18:26
